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Sunday, October 28, 2012

7 Pillars of Jewish Life

Mezuzah: it is a Jewish
household that is affixed to the right side of the door as one enters the room. It is of Biblical origin and therefore carries great weight.

Tefillin: It is a set of small black leather boxes containing scrolls of parchment inscribed with verses from the  Torah. The strap is wrapped around the arm.

Shofar: It is a horn blown in synagogues to mark the end of the fast at Yom Kippur.

Hanukkah: It is an eight-day Jewish commemorating the rededication of the Holy temple

Kosher: Kosher foos are those that conform to the regulations of the Kashrut.

Tzedakah: Seen as a religiuos obligation, the Tedakah consists of giving anonymously donations.

Sabbath: Is a weekly day of rest or tiem of worship observed in Abrahamic religions.

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